A redesigned NZ ETS Permanent Forest Category

Closed 11 Aug 2023

Opened 19 Jun 2023


The Government sought feedback on proposals to manage afforestation by redesigning the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme’s (NZ ETS) permanent forest category.

Last year the Government consulted on proposals to restrict permanent exotic forests in the New Zealand ETS in response to concerns about the impacts on the environment and rural communities from these forests. The proposals generated wide interest prompting the Government to further investigate changes to the permanent forest category.

There are three key decisions to consider when redesigning the permanent forest category:

  • Which forests should be allowed into the permanent forest category?
  • How should transition forests be managed to ensure they transition and reduce the financial risks to participants?
  • How should permanent forests be managed?

Read the full discussion document  [PDF, 5.6MB]

Joint submissions on the NZ ETS review and redesign of the permanent forest category consultations

Review of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme consultation

Both programmes were open for consultation at the same time because they are interlinked. They both have significant implications for the forestry sector, but also New Zealand's climate change response, rural land-use change and Māori interests. 


Two public and two iwi/Maori webinars discussing the ETS Review and ETS Permanent Forestry Category Redesign were held at the end of June. Please see below for recordings.

Webinar recordings and presentation

Thursday 29 June, 6.30pm - public webinar Video link Presentation
Friday 30 June, 12.00pm - Māori/Iwi webinar Video link Presentation

What happens next

This consultation closed on 11 August 2023.

Following the end of consultation, we will publish a summary and may make all or parts of submissions publicly available on our website. We cannot reply to individual submitters. The Government wants to introduce the changes to the CCRA to take effect from 2025.

If you have any further questions, please email NaturalResourcesPol@mpi.govt.nz.