Developing an exception from the low slope map for lower intensity farming - Te whakarite aweretanga mai i te mahere rōnaki heke mō te mahi pāmu ngāwari

Closed 16 Jul 2023

Opened 19 Jun 2023

Results updated 17 Oct 2023

From 19 June to 16 July 2023, the Government sought feedback on options to amend stock exclusion regulations in relation to lower intensity farming systems.

Thank you to all who made a submission.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


We sought feedback on options to amend stock exclusion regulations in relation to lower intensity farming systems.

The low slope map, incorporated by reference in the stock exclusion regulations, was amended in 2022 to improve how it identifies low slope land and avoid capturing lower intensity farming in the high country. 

While these recent changes have largely addressed issues with low slope land identification, the map is still likely to capture some lower intensity farming systems (ie, on flat land and below 500m). Because lower intensity farming systems tend to be stocked at lower rates, the marginal environmental benefit of excluding stock is reduced while cost is increased (eg, the cost of fencing per stock unit). 

We consulted on options to address this issue, by: 

  1. defining lower intensity farming for the purpose of an exception to the map, based on a threshold of stock units per hectare 
  2. using certified freshwater farm plans to address the unintended capture of lower intensity farming on the map, once such plans become available. 

Read the full consultation document (PDF 1.4MB)

The discussion document asked for feedback on proposed options for addressing stock exclusion on lower farming systems only. We did not seek feedback on other matters already set out in: 

  • the Resource Management Act 1991 
  • the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020, or  
  • the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020).