People and place: ensuring the wellbeing of every generation
Results updated 25 Mar 2025
From 5 to 20 May 2022, the Ministry for the Environment consulted on the proposed topic of its draft Long-Term Insights Briefing. The proposed topic was the future of land and people’s relationship with it.
Read the full consultation document (PDF 1.1MB)
Read the summary of submissions (PDF 3.8MB)
The submissions helped shape our draft briefing, which we consulted on in October 2022.
Learn about the draft briefing consultation
Feedback on the draft briefing helped inform the final version of the briefing, which was released in February 2023.
Healthy whenua (land) is important for a flourishing environment and people’s wellbeing.
That’s because how we use, manage and care for whenua affects our water, climate, air and native species, as well as people's quality of life. But how might our land – and New Zealanders’ relationship with it – change over the coming decades? What could they look like in 2050?
The Ministry’s Long-term Insights Briefing project delves into this important topic, and looks at the risks, challenges and opportunities.
In May 2022, we sought feedback on what things were most important and of interest to you when considering the people and place of Aotearoa New Zealand.
For more information about the briefings, see He Puka Whakamārama i te Pae Tawhiti | Long-term Insights Briefings [Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission website]
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