Fast-track approval applications
The Fast-track Approvals Bill will include two Schedules of listed projects:
- Schedule 2 Part A
Projects will be referred directly to an Expert Panel and will not go through the Ministerial referral process included in the legislation. - Schedule 2 Part B
Projects will still need to be referred by the Minister to the Expert Panel, but have demonstrated that they are regionally or nationally significant.
This is the application form to have your project included in Schedule 2. Projects which apply to be included in Schedule 2 Part A but are not found to be eligible can still be considered for inclusion in Part B.
Filling out the application form
Please ensure all sections, where relevant, of the application form are completed as failure to provide the required details may result in your application being declined.
You will need to include:
- Applicant details
- Project location
- Project details
- Approvals required
- Applications already made for the project
- Construction readiness
- Record of consultation
- Relevant Treaty settlements, relationship with the Takutai Moana Act, Māori land considerations
- Adverse effects
- Alignment with national direction
- Details on how the project is eligible and meets the purpose of the Act
- Details on whether the project triggers any ineligibility criteria
- Relationship to climate change and natural hazards
- Compliance track record under any relevant legislation
Further guidance for applicants (PDF 222KB)
Releasing information from your application
Please note that once this process is complete we will proactively release information, including:
- this application form
- all supporting documents submitted to the Ministry for the Environment.
Information provided that should be withheld under the Official Information Act (including commercially sensitive or confidential) will not be released.
Please clearly highlight any content on this application form and in supporting documents that is commercially or otherwise sensitive in nature, and to which you specifically object to the release.
What happens next
The application process is now closed.
For more infomation see Fast-track consenting.
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