Review of the Resource Management (Infringement Offences) Regulations 1999

Closed 31 Mar 2023

Opened 7 Feb 2023


Councils can issue ‘instant fines’ for breaches of environmental rules under the Resource Management Act that do not justify prosecution in court.

The current infringement notice fines were set in 1999. They are now too low to discourage non-compliance with plan rules or consent conditions. This puts our environment at risk and is unfair to those New Zealanders who use our natural resources sustainably and within the law.

We consulted on proposed options for changing the infringement fines.

Read the full discussion document (PDF 1.1MB)

Watch a webinar about the proposal

We hosted a public webinar on Monday 13th March from 1pm–2pm where people had the opportunity to hear more about the proposal.

Watch the webinar on YouTube

What happens next

This consultation closed on 31 March 2023.

We will analyse feedback and provide advice to Ministers on next steps.

If you have any further questions, please email