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Fabian Beveridge
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Other than the pathways to resource consent for wetland restoration and management, i.e clearing weeds and helping wetlands recover, all other changes suggested are a net negative to wetlands. Wetland protection must impede development, mining and landfill sites, and ideally be restored and expanded because we have already lost 90% of our original wetlands (Ministry for the Environment, 2021, 4). Instead of weakening the law change, why not strengthen environmental protection for a change. Kevin Hague said it well, and I support (and upload) their statement as well.
Ministry for the Environment. 2021. Managing our wetlands:
A discussion document on proposed changes to the wetland regulations. Wellington: Ministry
for the Environment.
Ministry for the Environment. 2021. Managing our wetlands:
A discussion document on proposed changes to the wetland regulations. Wellington: Ministry
for the Environment.